Personal Forms of Goddess Worship

One of my favorite lines from The Charge of the Goddess says “Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.” This concept epitomizes freedom, creativity, and independence in Goddess worship.  While structured rituals have their place within Paganism, the deities recognize that there are no restraints on the sacred practices.

Now I don’t think everything we do glorifies the Goddess. Laundry, for one, is as mundane as life gets.  Acts of dishonor, deceit, and most forms of criminality are violations of personal and sacred ethics, therefore the God and Goddess aren’t going to like performing them in their name.

The question at hand is what constitutes worship outside of the circle? I think the answer is personal.  Since the inherent principle is from within, only you can know what glorifies the Goddess.

For me, there are a few activities that honors the Goddess:

  • Dancing alone or with friends
  • Climbing trees
  • Taking walks in my local park
  • Making food
  • Taking long baths
  • Drinking tea on my porch
  • Keeping in touch with friends and family

The key element to personal worship is intent.  Keep the Goddess and the God in mind and the act will be seen as what it is.  A beautiful expression of love and worship.

One thought on “Personal Forms of Goddess Worship

  1. I find running can be a time that honors the Goddess. Today, I took Scout for a run at the lake. It was a glorious spring day. I noticed. It turned into a meditation.

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