The Witch’s Home

As many of my long-time readers know, I have been accepted to graduate school.  Since the university is far away, this weekend I am moving to a new state and city I have never been to before.  I am a little nervous, but mostly I am excited to create a new home for myself.

In preparation for this event, I have been doing a little research into Pagan, Wiccan, and witch homes and the related features, spells, and charms.  A few things that I have found I am sharing with you.  These can be adapted to apartments and dorms as well.

General Protection of the Property:

  • Witch’s Bottles: These charms are a powerful filters of energy coming into your property.  There are a lot of different variations and ingredients, so do a little research and find a blend that works for you.  I like doing mine at the Saturday closest to the dark or new moon.  Also if you can’t bury it in the ground, then put it in a container with a plant (good for dorms and apartments because it’s mobile) or in the back of a closet.
  • Door Hangings: Wreathes, Evil Eye beads and yarn shields, up-turned horse shoes, pentacles, dried herb bundles, wind chimes, entrance bells, etc.  These can be hung over or on your door to ward against bad, evil, or negative energy.
  • Lock Charms: Compose a small charm to say every time you lock your door.

Cleansing and Space Clearing

  • Open a Window: Fresh air in, old air out.
  • Do This Regularly:  Find a method that work for you and do it seasonally, monthly, at the same point of the lunar cycle, etc.

Magical Item Storage:

  • Herbs: Glass bottles either in a dark space or in amber bottles.  If you want to get these on the cheap, save your pasta sauce containers.  They take up a decent amount of space, though, so last resort is to double bag the herbs. Also, labeling is important even if you are extremely familiar with the plant.
  • Crystals: Check which stones are photosensitive or can be scratched easily.  Store accordingly.
  • Cabinet: What do you need to store the most? For me, it’s herbs and books.  So my cabinet is a bookshelf in my closet with a box for my other assorted items, but plenty of shelf space for bottles and books.  If larger things such as cauldrons and robes are your speed, then consider a trunk or large storage box.  If you have only a few things, use a nice jewelry box  This is completely dependent on your needs.


  • Permanent or For a Specific Event?: Do you have the space or the need for a permanent altar?  If you do, meditate on its elements (kind of table, statuary, candles, etc.).  If you can’t, keep a space in mind for sabats, esbats, etc.


  • Living Room: This is a good space to promote harmony within your family or roommates, especially if you spend a lot of time here.  Make it comfortable and welcoming.
  • Kitchen: The space you prepare food , it is a space for creation and witchcraft.  Make it easy to use.
  • Bathroom: The center of beauty in the home.  This should be a pretty room.
  • Bedroom: The vibe here is more open.  Do you want comfort and relaxation? Then use soft colors and soothing scents.  Or do you want it to be for adult activities? Two words: silk sheets.

Related Topics:

  • Space Clearing
  • Feng shui
  • Green Living

Further Reading:

  • The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham
  • Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery by Kris Bradley

© Ariadne Woods

Urgent Question: Is It Acceptable to Space Clean Someone Else’s Bedroom?

Hi everyone!

So I am about to stay at my aunt’s home.  Due to the family dynamics, the space just reeks of negativity.  Every time I stay my anxiety level goes through the roof.

I was wondering if it would be morally okay to space clean the room I will be using, which is my cousin’s bedroom.  I tried Googling advice on this subject, but could not find any articles on this topic.  Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks and bright blessings,


© Ariadne Woods

Writing Rituals

There are numerous causes for performing a ritual.  It can be in observance of the Wheel of the Year or the monthly lunar cycles.  Women can create blood rituals to mark their courses; and other important rites of passage–birthing, coming of age, handfasting/divorcing, saging/croning, death, etc–can be ritualized as well.  Some Pagans, Wiccans, and witches also like to do rituals for the deities they work with and for other practices, such as for blessing objects.  Rituals can last from five minutes of thanking a deity to several workings over a long period of time, such as for a women creating, carrying, birthing, and carrying for a child.

For whatever reason you desire to perform a ritual, planning is essential to its success.  Depending on personal practice, convenience, and importance, the amount of prep work varies from five minutes to weeks of gathering materials.  Some can even take longer, especially for organizing a handfasting.  Despite the length of time, all prep work should go through a few steps:

  • Identify the Purpose: Why are you doing this ritual?  What are your motivations?
  • Consider the Elements:  Do you need to do a ritual cleansing first? Will you need to cast a circle?  What tools will you need?  What deities can you call on for aid? How much time do you have to dedicate to this practice
  • Check Your Supplies: Do you need a particular incense, herb, oil, or other tool?  Do you have it on hand, or do you need to buy it?  Just as importantly, can you afford it?
  • Documenting:  Do you need to write out a liturgy or can you free form it?
  • Research: If you need to, do you need to ask advice or do some readings before creating this ritual?

Once you have finished the ritual, sit quietly and reflect on the experience.  I like to journal about the ritual, which I can go back and read in preparation for future rituals.

© Ariadne Woods

Witch Tips: Tarot and Oracle Decks

Divination is a practice that shifts the focus of the mind to clarify a situation or question.  It is not for seeing into the future, but rather to clear up any lingering questions regarding an existing relationship, problem, or event.  One of the most worked-with forms is tarot or oracle decks.  Tarot decks are pictorial representation of common archetypes.  Oracle decks are very similar, but they usually have a phrase or piece of wisdom along with the image.  There are a couple of practices that assist to acquaint the reader with this form of divination.

  • Buy Your First Deck in Person: Buying cards off the internet is a little difficult because you don’t get to see and feel the deck. I know that sounds a little kooky, but trust me.  You have to be comfortable with what you are working with when it comes to divination.  If you’re not, you’ll never use it, and decks are an expensive investment to sit in your closet.
  • Tarot or Oracle?: Each has their own benefits.  Oracle decks are good for first-time readers or the quick session.  Tarot decks are better for complex readings and for the more independent reader (the messages on oracle decks sometimes irritate readers because the illustrator supposes the wisdom that goes with the image).  I have both, but prefer tarot.
  • Okay I’ve Picked a Type, Now What Deck?: There are thousands of tarot and oracle decks.  If you are buying an oracle deck, pick one attuned to your interests (fairies, Egyptian myths, animal totems, etc).  Tarot decks come in similar varieties, but also have some classic forms.  My favorite it Rider-Waite.
  • Cleansing and Programing: Cleanse as you would any magical object, although I recommend not using a water method.  Afterwords, sit down and look at every card in order. Study the images.  You don’t need to commit them to memory (that will come in time).  Grab a notebook and jot down some buzzwords that come to mind for each card.  Afterwords if you have a method of programing an object, use it for a week.  My personal favorite is to sleep with the deck under my pillow.
  • Housing: What will protect your deck the most? A box, a bag, or the original packaging?  You could even use a soap container for a deck you take on trips.  Also, do you want to keep a crystal or an herb in your deck box or bag?
  • Spreads: How you use the cards is largely intuitive.  There are models and spreads you can use as a jumping-off point (Past, Present, Future; Celtic Cross; etc.) if you are absolutely unfamiliar with how to create a spread.  I encourage you to come up with your own, whether they are elaborate or simple.
  • Ritual: Do you want to do a formal ritual for every reading?  Or do you want to just light a candle? Experiment a little.

© Ariadne Woods