Ten Ways to Connect to Your Sacred Sexuality While Single

With Beltane right around the corner, we Pagans, Wiccans, witches, Goddess worshipers, and spiritual badasses find ourself at the sexiest part of the Pagan calendar.  The birds and the bees are out in full force, and the God and Goddess will consummate their love on one of Wicca’s most sacred days.  For practitioners and spiritual badasses, Beltane is an opportunity to reflect on the intersection between our spiritual and sexual lives otherwise known as sacred sexuality.


Sacred sexuality encompasses a wide variety of orientations and modalities and has two key themes: a deep emphasis on consent between adults and the recognition of the divine in all parties involved.  When you are single, engaging in sacred sexuality is an invitation to explore your connection to your spirit as well as to develop self confidence and self love.  In the Beltane spirit, I’ve compiled ten ideas for connecting to your sacred sexuality for you to adapt and explore to your heart’s content. Continue reading

A Simple Self Love Beltane Ritual

Beltane is the ancient fire festival of love and fertility.  It is the time of year when witches, Pagans, Wiccans, Goddess worshipers, and spirituals badasses take the time to evaluate their abundance and to connect to the people in their lives.  As it is also season of the Wheel of the Year when the Goddess and God get it on and consummate their love, a lot of practitioners take this holiday to celebrate their romantic lives.  But it is also a crucial time of the year to go inward.  The most important relationship you are going to have in this life is with yourself.  Why not take one of the most magical and sacred days of the year to connect to your confidence?


The ritual I am sharing with you is all about connecting to the best parts of yourself.  I’ve given you a rough outline, so feel free to add or customize based on your practice, mood, or inclination. Through the course of the ritual, you will create a tool to remind yourself of your overall greatness in times when you are feeling low and out of it.    Therefore, you’ll be able to carry the lessons of Beltane throughout the year. Continue reading

Beltane Decorations

How many Witches and Pagans decorate their homes for Samhain?  Probably most of us.  But how many of us decorate the home for Beltane, which is an en par holiday?  Probably not as many people.  All the fabulous Pagans and Witches out there, let’s start changing that and start bringing the season into our homes.  Here are a few themes and suggestions to consider. Continue reading

Beltane Recipes

Beltane is one of the most sacred days of the year.  Of course this calls for a feast!  When I was compiling these recipes and thinking about my own celebration, three themes came to mind.

Bannock Bread

This first is the season and what is going to be in supermarkets now and what’s seasonally appropriate.  The second is spice and heat as this is a holiday about passion and love.  Along those lines, I’ve also included several traditional aphrodisiacs in this menu. Continue reading

Giving No F*cks

Spirit dancing is the phenomena when a person is so overcome by shear joy they just feel the need to dance.  I wish I could show you a video clip of what I am talking about, but the act is so spontaneous and free that it’s hard to capture. If you have ever been to a public ritual with dancing, I guarantee you have seen it.

After my Beltane ritual, I put on music while I cleaned up after ritual.  A song with a heavy beat came through the speakers of my laptop and the next thing I knew I was twirling for the next three songs.  The feeling of utter bliss was overwhelming.  Part of it was the energy of the ritual. And I just felt light and happy and free.

© Ariadne Woods