Herbal Tea and Essential Oil Blends for Soothing and Calming Worry and Anxiety

Everyone to some extent suffers from worry and anxiety.  Sometimes it is perfectly natural, like when you are waiting to see if you got into college or if you are going to ask someone to marry you.  But for a lot of people, chronic worrying and anxiety is a chaotic and destabilizing part of everyday life.  I want to stress that anxiety and panic attacks are a real, honest to Goddess medical condition and that you are not alone.  40 million adults age 18 or older in the United States suffer from anxiety, including yours truly.  If you suspect that you suffer from this condition, please see a doctor or medical practitioner and implement a rigorous self care routine.

Source: http://theodysseyonline.com/csu-long-beach/poems-read-anxiety/207832

As part of my awesome anti-anxiety routine, I developed a tea to drink in the evenings and at times of high stress as well as an essential oil blend to carry with me and to wear as a perfume during times of high stress. Continue reading

Harm None Revisited

So I wrote an article on the concept of Harm None in January 2013 called Define Harm in which I discuss the complexity of those two little words.  I was only two years into my practice and still in undergrad when I wrote that post.  A lot in my life has changed, so I decided to revisit the topic.

Source: http://www.infinite-beyond.com/an-additional-thought-on-harm-none/

To give a little background, the concept of harm none comes from the Wiccan Rede: “Eight words the Rede fulfill, if it harms none do as yee will.” Continue reading