A Case of the Full Moon Crazies

My mom is a teacher.  She says the worst time of the month is the three days of the full moon because her kids are more rambunctious and rowdy.  I kind of thought she was exaggerating.

Until this full moon.

I cannot stop eating or moving or praising the Goddess.  Not that any of that is bad, it’s just weird for me.  Is there anything particularly special about this moon?  I don’t think so.  So what the hell is going on?

Whatever is going on, I hope everyone has a blessed full moon!

© Ariadne Woods

The Academic Pagan

Colleges and universities offer a variety of courses on many, many topics.  Obviously the primary curriculum a student should adhere to is the one that will let them graduate on time.  However if you go to a university like mine, you get a little wiggle room to take some electives.

Why not take some of those classes to further your Pagan education?

A lot of literature or poetry workshop classes feature in-depth studies of mythology and classic stories.  I am in a poetry intensive right now in which every student was asked to rewrite a famous tale.  It made the students rethink their approach to mythology.

Biology classes often expand the student’s understanding of the natural world.  While yes some Pagans morally object to dissecting animals, some courses focus on the theoretical and ethical dilemmas in Biology.  Or you can talk to the professor before enrolling in the course and write a paper instead of dissecting.

There are many other topics that would enhance your Pagan learning: world religions, anthropology, civil liberties law, music, and history.  Look at what your spiritual needs are and what you are interested in knowing more  about.  The goal is to expand the mind and look at the Goddess in a new way.

© Ariadne Woods

Witch Tips Special Edition: Spirit

This is the last post in a series of five about connecting to the Elements.

Spirit refers to the connections between all of existence. It links us to the Gods and Goddesses, the ancestors, the self, EVERYTHING.  It has no direction and encompasses all deities.  In reality connecting to Spirit is personal and varies person-to-person.  So here are the things that establishes my relationship with the element.

  • Travel: See new things.  Meet new people.  Eat new foods.  Find a new way to see the world.
  • Prayer Beads: I will sometime soon do an entire post on these  I’ve found them invaluable in cultivating a good daily practice.  I made my set, but lots of Pagan shops and online stores carry them.  If you want some ideas for chants and mantras, check out my Curios page.  Selena Fox’s Twitter page also features many good chants that can be used in ritual and while working with prayer beads. Or write your own!
  • Keep Your ‘You Time’ Sacred:  Every Friday night I put in a movie and paint my nails.  If I am home I light some candles and incense.  This ritual is a little bit of self-indulgence that renews me every week.  Everyone has this kind of routine, whether it’s a daily coffee or a yearly trip to the spa or to a baseball game.  Make these little things a priority.
  • Clear Space: You don’t have to have a perfectly clean house or apartment.  But studies link clutter and excess mess to depression, anxiety, and concentration problems.  Spend just five minutes a day tidying and one Saturday a month doing some intensive cleansing.
  • Take a Walk in Nature: Let the Earth renew your spirit.  Notice everything from the itty bitty bugs to the tall trees.

@ Ariadne Woods


The Goddesses and Gods fulfill many roles in our lives. They are our guardians and protectors.  They inspire us on many different levels.  They provide our beautiful earth and sky and sea.  They help us through dark times and through the blessings.  Whatever your relationship to the Gods and Goddesses, they have a powerful effect on your life.

In the spirit of Mabon, it is the time of year to thank them.  This action can come in a variety of ways:

  • Burning candles, herbs or incense
  • Pouring Libations
  • Volunteering for a neighbor clean up or at a soup kitchen
  • Giving a donation to a non-profit organization
  • Recycling

Give back for all you have received this year.

© Ariadne Woods