13 Things I am Grateful For This Mabon

With Mabon in a few days and Thanksgiving in a few weeks, looking at your life and reflecting on what makes it awesome can be an uplifting spiritual practice.  We spend so much time running around and on the go that it is easy to forget what make life so special.

During this season I have spent a lot of time really looking at my life and allowing myself to feel a deep sense of appreciate for it.  The good, the bad, everything.So, lovely readers, I am sharing with you the thirteen biggest things I am most grateful for this Mabon season.

  1. The Goddess: It does not matter what is going on with my life or what mistakes I make or triumphs I meet.  She is always there, my divine mother.  She’s got my back, and I cannot express how much that means to me.
  2. My Health: Overall I am pretty healthy. I did have a minor health scare in May, but it was nothing serious.  I am grateful that I am healthy and happy and my body does what it is supposed to do.
  3. My Friends, Family, Coworkers, and Readers: Best. People. Ever.
  4. My New Apartment: Just a few weeks ago, I moved into a fabulous apartment.  Dishwasher, all new appliances, in unit laundry, blocks from the T, MY OWN BATHROOM.  Best of all I now live with a friend and fellow witch.  I am grateful that I can wake up every morning and go to bed every night in a comfortable, safe environment.
  5. The Money in my Bank Account: It might not be a lot, but it is always there.  I had quite a bit of money struggles this year.  This time last year I was in quite a bit of credit card debt.  But I am happy to report that I have paid every cent of that debt back and am starting to save and grow.
  6. Good Food and Clean Water: I have access to ingredients and cuisine from all over the world.  I do not have to worry about the quality of water coming out of the tap.  For a lot of people in this world, that is not the case and I am unendingly grateful that I am secure enough in the resources I have that I can share with others.
  7. Democracy: I’m a Democrat so this has been a rough year politically.  But even though I loath how our government looks right now and most of the decisions that our president and legislators make, you bet your ass I am grateful to be able to have voted and that my voice counted.
  8. My Education: I have both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and am so grateful for both experiences.  They formed who I am and provided me with opportunities to grow and expand.
  9. The T:  It may break down on occasion and desperately needs repaired, but it gets me from place to place cheaply.
  10. The Internet: Without the Internet, I would never have connected with you lovely people!
  11. My Job: I work for a fabulous, ethical company.  It may be going through a lot of changes and transitions, but I am excited to go to work every single day.  Also…
  12. I Got a Raise This Year!: And a promotion!  I am grateful that all the work I have put into the company has been appreciated and recognized.
  13. This Blog: I took a break from writing at the beginning of the year, and I am beyond grateful to be back.  This blog is a big creative outlet for me and helps me organize my thoughts about life, the Goddess, Wicca, etc.  Plus after five odd years at it, writing C&B is still a lot of fun!

Lovely readers, what are you grateful for this Mabon?  Leave your thoughts in the comments!

© Ariadne Woods


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